Moroccan Shakshuka
poached eggs in a spicy tomato sauce
Despite my research, I am not really sure where this amazing dish originated from but I feel I was closest to its home while in Marrakech, Morocco in January 2019. It has many variations, this is how I make it at home - it is easy, full of flavours and it brings me to sunny North Africa in a heartbeat. Are you joining me?
PS: For more photos check the GALLERY.
Moroccan Shakshuka - Ingedients
Moroccan Shakshuka - Ingredients
Moroccan Shakshuka - cooking in progress
Shakshuka - Moroccan poached eggs in a spicy tomato sauce
10 midsize tomatoes
5 eggs
3 cloves garlic
1 small red onion
2 teaspoons cumin powder
2 teaspoons smoked paprika powder
a pinch of black pepper
olive oil
fresh cilantro and/or parsley
recommended - pita or khobz bread as a side
Moroccan poached eggs in a spicy tomato sauce
Moroccan poached eggs in a spicy tomato sauce
Moroccan poached eggs in a spicy tomato sauce
I always prefer to do all the cutting before I actually start cooking - this time it means dicing the tomatoes and onion, slicing or chopping the garlic and chopping the herbs as well.
For cooking I am using a bigger lower pot with a lid and to begin with, I put some olive oil in it and put it on a medium heat.
Once the oil is hot, I add onions, followed by tomatoes and garlic.
Give it a quick stir, wait till it is all nicely warm and add cumin, paprika, pepper and salt.
Stir well so the spices are distributed evenly.
Cook/saute under the lid for a while - you will see how much water comes out from the tomatoes - if it looks too watery, keep the lid away so that the water evaporates.
This should not be a smooth sauce, so make sure you do not overcook the tomatoes.
Once you feel it is almost done (tomatoes are not raw, they are almost cooked through, but not mushy), add chopped cilantro and/or parsley - I always keep some out and use it for serving.
Give your tomatoes a stir and add the eggs - you crack the whole eggs directly into the tomato mixture. I usually put 4 eggs around the pot, 1 into the middle. No mixing or stirring anymore!
Shake the pot gently so that the eggs soak into the tomatoes, they come deeper into the sauce. But you do not want to break the yolks.
Cover with the lid and wait till the eggs are cooked - for me, the main thing is, that the eggwhite is not raw and I also prefer yolks to be hard boiled.
Once the eggs are cooked, turn off the heat, put on a plate, sprinkle with cilantro and/or parsley and serve with pita or khobz bread. Mornings, noons, evenings...anytime :)