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Italian Pizza with tomato base, chorizo, mozzarella bufala, mushrooms and fresh basil

Italian Pizza

with tomato base and your favourite toppings


The first place I have visited in Italy was Sauris di Sopra (2018), a tiny little village in the mountains that offers everything you need - beautiful nature, fresh air, peaceful atmosphere, stunning views, local brewery and pizzeria. Italy was also a destination for my first ever solo trip in summer 2019 and I had a great plan for another one in 2020. Actually I still have my flight ticket purchased for June...but I guess I will need to postpone this adventure and only travel by cooking and eating Italian food for a while. A presto, bella Italia!

PS: For more photos check the GALLERY.

Italian Pizza Dough

Pizza Dough

  • 250 g fine white flour

  • 150 g bread flour

  • 230 ml water (room temperature)

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 3,5 g dried yeast

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • 60 ml olive oil


  1. Put water, yeast, honey and olive oil into a bowl, mix together.

  2. Put all flour and salt into another bowl and then pour in the mixture from the first bowl.

  3. Mix all together with your hands/wooden spoon and form a dough.

  4. Take the dough out of the bowl and place it on a lightly floured work surface.

  5. Knead the dough with our hands until it is smooth and elastic - this should take around 10 minutes.

  6. Put some olive oil in a bowl and put your dough in it - cover the bowl with a wet tea towel and leave it in a warm place for around 60 minutes or until the dough has has doubled in size.

  7. While the dough is raising, prepare the tomato sauce - see the recipe below.

  8. Once the dough is ready, place it on the lightly floured work surface and knead it lightly to remove the air from it.

  9. Split the dough into 2 halves, take the first one and roll it with a rolling pin - should be 3 - 5 mm thick, place it on a baking tray covered with baking paper.

  10. Preheat your oven to 230°C

  11. Until the oven is ready, finish your pizzas - put on some tomato sauce and your favourite toppings.

  12. Put the baking tray with 1 pizza into the oven, bake for around 10 minutes

Italian Pizza Tomato Base Ingredients


Tomato sauce


  • 400 g chopped tomatoes (1 can)

  • 1 small red onion

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 3 cloves garlic

  • handful fresh basil

  • 1 teaspoon of dried oregano

  • pepper

  • salt


  1. While your dough is raising, prepare the tomato sauce.

  2. Chop the onion into the small pieces and fry it on the olive oil on a medium heat for around 5 minutes - be careful, we do not want the onion to turn brown.

  3. Add crushed garlic, pinch of salt and pepper and fry for another minute.

  4. Add tomatoes, chopped basil and oregano and cook until everything is nicely cooked - you may want to turn this into smooth sauce - use the food processor - I don to do this though.

  5. Put as much sauce on our pizzas as you like - I prefer a loooot of sauce, so I usually use it all for two pizzas, but if you have leftovers, just use it for the pasta.




  • picture no. 1 - mozzarella, gorgonzola, spianata, olives, basil

  • picture no. 2 - is my favourite pizza in Milan (2018) - mozzarella, salsiccia, mushrooms, truffles

  • picture no. 3 - mozzarella di bufala, chorizo, brown button mushrooms, basil


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