Chicken Biryani
Indian fragrant mixed rice dish with raita
This fragrant Indian rice dish is taking me there, where I can not travel now. India - country I have never visited, but is on my list for sure. Thanks to my Indian colleagues and ex-colleagues I can learn more about the culture and food of this beautiful country. Indians are very proud of their cuisine and thus I would not dare to cook this dish without some instructions from my friend Akshay - thanks a lot for all your help and hints! I hope I did it all right - the result was awesome anyway :)

Chicken Biryani Ingredients


Chicken Biryani Cooking
600 g boneless chicken (I used skinless boneless chicken tights)
600 g basmati rice
2 tablespoons grated ginger
2 tablespoons minced garlic
2-3 teaspoons turmeric
1-2 teaspoons chili powder
1-2 teaspoons coriander powder
a bunch of fresh cilantro and mint - chopped (2 - 3 tablespoons)
400 g white yogurt
2-3 teaspoons cumin seeds
5 pieces bay leaves
5 pieces cardamom
3 onions
6 pieces cloves
1 piece of cinnamon
3 teaspoons biryani masala
3 teaspoons chicken masala
fried onions - optional
black pepper
sunflower oil

Wash the chicken and cut the meat into smaller pieces.
Mix 3 teaspoons of yogurt with garlic, ginger, turmeric, red chili powder, coriander, fresh mint and coriander and some salt - taste the marinade before putting chicken in it and add more salt if needed.
Marinate the chicken in yogurt for 30 minutes.
While the chicken is being marinated, cook the rice.
Put the water in a big enough pot - you need 2-2.5 times amount of water compared to the amount of rice - so for 600 g of rice you need around 1.2 - 1.5 l of water.
Start boiling the water and add cumin seeds - 2-3 teaspoons, cardamom (3 pcs), bay leaves (3 pcs) and salt.
When the water is about to boil, add washed rice and cook until the rice is cooked for 80-90%. Do not cook the rice fully.
Drain the remaining water from rice and set the rice aside.
Chop 2.5 onions - do not chop the onions finely, you want long slices. Keep one half of the onion (unchopped) aside for raita.
Put some oil and butter into the pot, keep on a low heat and add bay leaves (2 pcs), cloves (6 pcs), cinnamon, cardamom (2 pcs), black peppercorns (3 pcs).
Add onions and cook them till getting red, then add the marinated chicken.
Add biryani masala and chicken masala and mix it all well. Close the pot with a lid and cook on a medium heat. Do not add any water.
Once the meat is almost cooked (90-95%), put the cooked rice on the top of it, sprinkle with fresh coriander and some fried onions.
Put the lid back on and make sure that it fits properly so that the steam does not leak and cook on medium low heat for 5-10 minutes until everything is cooked through.
While finishing the biryani cooking, prepare raita - let’s say a cold sauce that goes great with this dish.
Finely chop the half of an onion and some cucumber (I used like ¼ of a cucumber, but depends on size), wash the onion to get rid of its intense flavour.
Mix the onion and cucumber with the rest of the white yogurt, add some salt and serve with your biryani.